Eman Rimawi-Doster is a Black and Palestinian woman, born and raised in NYC. She organizes around diversity, equity, and inclusion in disenfranchised communities, while using art, writing, fashion, creativity, and organizing. She learned the ins and outs of taking action and having integrity from her parents. She has made it her life’s mission to change the things that need a push in a more inclusive direction. Her father wanted her to change the things she saw wrong and she does with everything she touches.
She went on to teach creative writing, community organizing, and political science workshops to youth in the city. She’s been focused on organizing disability rights and the intersectionality of it within every aspect of life.
She is committed to educating people on the interconnectedness of disability within multiple communities. Life doesn’t end when you have a disability. She began Diversity Includes Disability, a consulting firm designed to support and educate organizations and businesses on disability equity, while she continues to be a Disability Consultant for D.C. Comics and Skybound, and speaks at conferences about equity and inclusion for all people with disabilities.
Eman is also the funniest person you’ll ever meet.